We are looking for a really slight distortion, that strengthens our sound without destroying it. And distortion is a great tool to make certain instruments like your snare or your bassline much louder. It's a very powerful distortion plugin and you could 'destroy' and manipulate your sounds heavily with this plugin, but we are not here for crazy distortions, we are here for increased loudness. It supports multi-band, dual-stage distortions and advanced post-filtering for immediate sonic transformation and it has a customizable Waveshaper. Trash 2 is in my opinion, and I bet in the opinions of many producers too, one of the best distortion plugins out there. So, I want to present you my five favorite plugins to pimp up that volume for certain instruments or your whole mix and will also talk about some techniques for higher loudness. We don't want to win the loudness war or a waveform that looks like a brickwall, but a clean, powerfull sound that isn't too quiet. But productions that are just too quiet sound weak and will loose against their competitors. Loudness isn't everything, your track also needs a nice degree of dynamics and of course a clean sound without clipping.
Loudness is one of the key elements for a successfull track.